Randle, WA to Eugene, OR – Back to the start


I’m back in Eugene as of last Saturday. After I hit Mount Saint Helens, I decided to book it for home, heading west of Mount Hood and down the Willamette Valley rather than crossing into Central Oregon and finding the Oregon Outback Route. There was an event that went poorly (http://www.oregonbikepacking.com/the-death-of-the-oregon-outback/) a few weeks back, and the status of the route is questionable right now.

Mount St. Helens from the backside.
Mount St. Helens from the backside.

Continue reading Randle, WA to Eugene, OR – Back to the start

Twisp to Randle, Washington

It’s been a hot week in Washington, with temperatures hitting almost 100 degrees a few days ago. Fortunately, in normal climates, shade actually cools things off and temperatures fluctuate throughout the day so that nights are usually much colder than days. It’s been, dare I say it, downright frigid some mornings. My ride through Washington has been nice. Many more good days than bad. I’m ready to be home, where I don’t have to spend each day wondering where I’ll sleep that night, or if it’ll have water, or if I’ll break down, etc. There is less internet connection here than in rural Cambodia. I feel more disconnected in a campsite one day outside of Seattle than I felt weeks outside of a big city in Southeast Asia. Anyways here are some highlights from the last week or so on the road, both the good and the bad.

Lonely dirt roads. Until the dirt bikes and ATV's show up.
Lonely dirt roads. Until the dirt bikes and ATV’s show up.

Continue reading Twisp to Randle, Washington

Hanoi, Vietnam to Twisp, Washington, USA

A few thanks to hand out to friends, old and new, who have helped me on my way to the final leg of this journey. It took me almost two weeks off the road to get some things taken care of in Hanoi, reset in Seattle, and head out from there. Thank you to my hosts in both cities and everyone else I was fortunate to get to see! Also, apparently when you arrive in Seattle from a bike trip abroad, it is almost a certainty that someone will suggest a bike-brewery tour. So thank you to everyone who suggested it, whether or not you were the first to do so. I admit to being slightly predictable.

“Goodbye Socialism.” “Goodbye, Bryan.” “Wait, what?”

Continue reading Hanoi, Vietnam to Twisp, Washington, USA